Author Archives: host2admin

How to Become the Most Persuasive Copywriter on the Planet

How to Become the Most Persuasive Copywriter on the Planet

Copywriting, when compared to other forms of writing, is a different kind of animal. It’s not necessarily about writing well. It’s about writing persuasively. It doesn’t matter if you’re a world-class wordsmith or a literary genius. If you can’t effectively move readers through the proper sequence of steps and ultimately convince them to buy, your […]

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The Career-Expanding Discovery Many Profitable Writers Have Made

The Career-Expanding Discovery Many Profitable Writers Have Made

The struggle when I started my freelance writing service business looked like this: I was fascinated with crafting words that accurately conveyed a message. I hadn’t extensively studied journalism or entertainment writing because those weren’t career paths I wanted to pursue. I knew that offering basic content writing services for businesses — filling up pages […]

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AgilOne’s Customer Data Platform Enhances Oracle Marketing Cloud: Three Integration Highlights

AgilOne’s Customer Data Platform Enhances Oracle Marketing Cloud: Three Integration Highlights

This week, AgilOne announced new integrations with Oracle Marketing Cloud. With AgilOne’s customer data platform powering engagement through Oracle Marketing Cloud, marketers can create more consistent, orchestrated, and authentic relationships across channels. So, how do we do it? AgilOne feeds a single view of the customer data into OMC that incorporates first party information unified across […]

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7 Travel Tips For CMOs

7 Travel Tips For CMOs

Whether you are traveling to a marketing conference or visiting one of your company’s locations around the world, as a CMO you need to ensure have an efficient travel strategy that keeps you on a budget, maintains your productivity on the road, and helps you actually enjoy the business travel experience. 1. Always travel light. Pack […]

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