Author Archives: host2admin

Capturing supermarket magic and providing the ideal customer experience

Capturing supermarket magic and providing the ideal customer experience

Reading Time: 6 minutes The customer-centric focus Over the past few years, one message has been gaining momentum within the marketing world: customer experience is king. “Customer experience” (CX) refers to your customer’s perception of her relationship with your brand—both conscious and subconscious—based on every interaction she has with your brand during her customer life […]

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Report: Social Media Examiner 2017 State of Social Media Marketing

Report: Social Media Examiner 2017 State of Social Media Marketing

The past 12 months have been big for social media marketers. Each social platform has seen significant changes or upgrades creating opportunity, and adding complexity for many marketers. Facebook introduced live video, Twitter made it easier to fit your message in 140 characters, Snapchat added collaboration features and Pinterest launched promoted video. The question on many […]

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