Instagram will now warn you before your account gets deleted, offer in-app appeals

Instagram will now warn you before your account gets deleted, offer in-app appeals

Instagram this morning announced several changes to its moderation policy, the most significant of which is that it will now warn users if their account could become disabled before that actually takes place. This change goes to address a longstanding issue where users would launch Instagram only to find that their account had been shut […]

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Poor Data Will Doom Your Account-Based Marketing

Poor Data Will Doom Your Account-Based Marketing

Account-based marketing (ABM) is red hot right now for B2B—because it works. In ITSMA's 2017 Benchmark Report, 87% of companies agreed that account-based marketing gives a higher ROI than other marketing activities, and 69% of respondents saw improvement in average revenue per strategic account when using ABM. Account-based marketing, in a nutshell Account-based marketing means […]

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Facebook accused of contradicting itself on claims about platform policy violations

Facebook accused of contradicting itself on claims about platform policy violations

Prepare your best * unsurprised face *: Facebook is being accused of contradicting itself in separate testimonies made on both sides of the Atlantic. The chair of a U.K. parliamentary committee that spent the lion’s share of last year investigating online disinformation, going on to grill multiple Facebook execs as part of an enquiry that […]

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