CNN is killing its Snapchat news show only four months after its debut

CNN is killing its Snapchat news show only four months after its debut

 CNN is giving up on its Snapchat news show, which launch only four months ago. “The Update,” as the program was called, had been designed for Snapchat’s vertical video format, but didn’t feature video produced only for Snapchat, nor did it have dedicated anchors. Instead, the news featured on “The Update” was a curated selection […]

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How Content Marketing is Evolving Heading into 2018

How Content Marketing is Evolving Heading into 2018

The content marketing landscape is constantly changing and evolving, and while more brands than ever are increasing their budgets, many fail to see the hoped-for results. Simply publishing blog posts doesn’t cut it any longer, forcing brands to become extremely creative and diverse when building content marketing strategies. Here are four ways I see content […]

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