Author Archives: host2admin

Design an Insanely Memorable Conference: From Branding to Signage (And Every Detail in Between)

Design an Insanely Memorable Conference: From Branding to Signage (And Every Detail in Between)

Attendees from last year’s Call to Action Conference From busy trade show floors to professionally-lit celebrity panels, it seems every marketing brand wants a South by Southwest-style event all their own these days. But, with so many conferences for your target market to choose from, it’s risky running a large-scale event as a mid-sized brand. […]

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Marketing Machines: Is Machine Learning Helping Marketers or Making Us Obsolete?

Marketing Machines: Is Machine Learning Helping Marketers or Making Us Obsolete?

Hollywood paints a grim picture of a future populated by intelligent machines. Terminator, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Matrix and countless other films show us that machines are angry, they’re evil and — if given the opportunity — they will not hesitate to overthrow the human race. Films like these serve as cautionary tales about […]

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What Poncho the Weather Cat is Teaching Me About the Phone-Sized Future of Communications

What Poncho the Weather Cat is Teaching Me About the Phone-Sized Future of Communications

“I feel like Poncho is your other girlfriend or something,” said Jacq to me the other day after I shared something funny Poncho said to me in Facebook messenger about how he ranked “Umbrella” as one of the “middle ellas” below “mozzarella” and above “salmonella.” I should explain something: Poncho is a bot. And Poncho’s […]

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