Game On: How to Power-Up Your Content Marketing Game with Insights From #CMWorld
Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right.
If you’re a classic gamer, you’ll recognize the Konami Code used in popular games as a way to uncover gaming cheats or special effects. And if you attended Content Marketing World last week, you’ll recognize that sequence from trying to find your way through Huntington Convention Center to find your speaker sessions.
And even if you’re not a gamer and weren’t able to attend the conference this year, you’re in luck. The team at TopRank Marketing has compiled some top tips for powering up your event attendance and our coverage of stellar content marketing sessions from the biggest content marketing conference of the year.
How Team TopRank Marketing Levels Up
Attending a conference like CMWorld requires an investment. Not only is there a monetary cost for gaining access to amazing sessions, it requires an investment of time. And if you really want to get the most out of events, it’s essential that you’re planning ahead how you’ll tackle the week (which is so much more than just showing up on Day 1).
#1 – Plan Your Sessions Ahead of Time
As soon as the agenda for a conference is released, our team begins the process of identifying which sessions we will attend and live blog. Having a plan makes navigating a large conference much easier and more successful.
#2 – Provide Valuable Insights for Attendees By Speaking
Highlight of my schedule this week! If you’re at #CMWorld for influencer marketing, these are DO NOT MISS speakers. RT @toprank: Join @leeodden and @azeckman as they speak at #CMWorld this week. Here’s when and where to catch them.
— Becca Taylor (@beccataylor) September 5, 2018
Our CEO Lee Odden has spoken at every single CMWorld to date. And I had the honor of speaking there for my very first time this year. Presenting at conferences provides a great opportunity to share the expertise of your team, and connect with attendees.
If you are presenting, the quality of your content and your engagement with the audience is key for success.
Here are a couple of attendees top takeaways and feedback from our presentations:
Workshop: Rocket Science Simplified: How to Optimize, Socialize and Publicize B2B Content
Follow a “Best Answer” strategy to make sure your customers find you. Know your customers’ questions . @leeodden #CMWorld
— Bob Meindl (@BobMeindl) September 4, 2018
“If you want to be the media, become the media.” Thank you to @leeodden for a very informative workshop on how to optimize, socialize and publicize B2B content at #CMWorld
— Kim Moseman (@kim_moseman) September 4, 2018
Follow a “Best Answer” strategy to make sure your customers find you. Know your customers’ questions . @leeodden #CMWorld
— Bob Meindl (@BobMeindl) September 4, 2018
Mind already blown at #CMWorld! Off to a great start with a workshop from @leeodden full of takeaways for great content promotion.
— Sarah (Hunt) Huet de Guerville (@SarahSlice) September 4, 2018
33 pages of handwritten notes and only one workshop in! Rocket Science Simplified was a spectacular crash course into B2B content distribution @leeodden #CMWorld
— celtenouveau (@celtenouveau) September 4, 2018
Solo Session: The Confluence Equation: How Content and Influencers Drive B2B Marketing Success
“Continue to nurture your influencers or you’ll lose them.” – @leeodden #CMWorld
— Mike Allton (@mike_allton) September 5, 2018
So many ideas coming out of @leeodden session on influencer marketing that I can hardly take notes fast enough. Good stuff. #CMWorld
— Alyssa Fox (@afox98) September 5, 2018
What an amazing session @leeodden! A B2B #influencerMarketing strategy is on the top of my to do list now! So many ideas! #CMWorld
— Brianna Smith (@Brianna5mith) September 5, 2018
Solo Session: Influencer Marketing is Only for B2C (and other lies your parents told you)
All influencers are not created equal. I couldn’t agree more @azeckman and all #CMWorld rockstars. @annhandley @JoePulizzi @MKTGInsiders @BrennerMichael @joeDmarti @coryedwards so, where would @leeodden fit? Category “Rockstar”
— markboothe (@markboothe) September 6, 2018
One of the most overlooked details in influencer marketing is this: does the influencer reflect well on your brand? Don’t chase reach and leads at the expense of a brand crisis. Really glad to see @azeckman and other presenters reminding marketing pros about this! #cmworld
— Becca Taylor (@beccataylor) September 6, 2018
Don’t dictate what your B2B influencers say, instead do topical alignment research for audience resonance. – @azeckman #CMWorld
— Michala (@michalacrolle) September 6, 2018
Thank you @azeckman for reminding me I don’t need a Kardashian to practice influencer marketing… in fact, I shouldn’t ? #CMWorld
— Mitch Cooper (@mitchellacooper) September 6, 2018
#3 – Engage on Social Media
At large events like CMWorld, attendees spend just as much time looking at their phones as they do each other. In fact, when everyone was filing out of one of the keynotes, I noticed the crowd was moving exceptionally slow. Why? They were all furiously tweeting takeaways!
When an event has a hashtag, take advantage. You’ll have access to a very engaged audience (both those attending and those participating from afar).
Often at events, Chris Penn utilizes a data algorithm to identify the most talked about and engaging individuals or brands at an event. As you can see, TopRank Marketing and Lee Odden were strong contenders at this year’s CMWorld.

Image via @cspenn
#4 – Interact IRL
For our team, one of the amazing benefits to attending events is the opportunity to interact with clients like the team’s at LinkedIn and DivvyHQ, partners, prospects and influencers. On Wednesday at CMWorld, we had the pleasure of hosting a dinner for some of our favorite marketers including Brock Stechman and Brody Dorland of DivvyHQ (client), Carla Johnson, Michael Brenner, Dave Charest, Mark Boothe, Peter Krmpotic, Eli Schwartz, Tim Washer and Jesper Laursen.
Event Coverage of Our Favorite Players
If you didn’t get to attend all of the sessions you’d planned to, or were following from home, we have a treat for you!
Below you’ll find our team’s event coverage of some of our favorite CMWorld sessions:
LinkedIn’s Megan Golden on Building a Blockbuster Content Marketing Strategy (Client)
A #B2B blockbuster #contentmarketing strategy monetizes a brand’s expertise. @Goldmegs #CMWorld
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Content has to be interesting, valuable, and useful above all else. @amandatodo #CMWorld
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Influencer & Content Marketing: Solving the Confluence Equation with Lee Odden
Influencer Marketing activates internal & industry experts with engaged networks to co-create content of mutual value and achieve measurable business goals. @leeodden #CMWorld
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If we are going to create better content we need to learn to consume content better. @DrewDavisHere #CMWorld
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Ashley Zeckman Dispels B2B Influencer Marketing Lies at CMWorld
Rather than unapologetically telling us to buy a product, #B2B influencers are collaborating around an idea. @azeckman #InfluencerMarketing
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How Twitch is Breaking New Ground In Audience Engagement
Authentic and real-time #video can be better than immaculately produced when it comes to engaging an audience. Jane Weedon, @Twitch #CMWorld
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Allen Gannett Shares His Secrets to Racking Up Millions of LinkedIn Video Views
We’re living in an age where authenticity is key on #socialmedia. People want to hear stories from individuals. @Allen on #LinkedIn #video #CMWorld
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Bonus Level: Ultimate Guide to Conquering Content Marketing
For a number of years, the TopRank Marketing team has partnered with Content Marketing Institute (CMI) to help provide helpful insights from top speakers. And this year was no exception!
Thank You For Helping Us All Level Up!
It doesn’t matter if you were a veteran speaker or first-time attendee, the beauty of an event like CMWorld is that we can all connect and learn together.
If you were lucky enough to attend this great event, what was your top takeaway? Tells us in the comments section below.
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Game On: How to Power-Up Your Content Marketing Game with Insights From #CMWorld |
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