Accelerating Lead Capture: Four psychological keys that transform conversion rates

In this FAST CLASS video, Flint McGlaughlin, CEO and Managing Director, MECLABS Institute teaches Four ways to improve the conversion power of your message (MECLABS is the parent organization of MarketingExperiments). He uses a lead generation landing page experiment that resulted in a 326% increase in conversion as a real-world example.

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to Create a Model of Your Customer’s Mind


Marketer, one of these two lead capture devices is profoundly
better than the other. It’s fascinating because they do not look that
different. But remember, we do not optimize web pages, we optimize the sequence
of thought. Let me show you the difference, but first, let me ask you a

How much better
do you think one of these could possibly perform over the other? If you look
just at the slight differences in appearance, you might underestimate that
number. Here is what we discovered when we ran a scientific test comparing the
two in a single-factorial experiment. The treatment outperformed the control by
326%. Think about that. For every 100 people that saw the control, 4 said yes.
But for every 100 people that saw the treatment, 18 said yes. It is amazing.

profound is happening in the mind. What is the difference? There are four
principles you can learn with me right now that might help you improve the
performance of your own lead capture form.

The first is
clarity. Let’s compare the two headlines. The first headline offers a guide.
It’s a vague word, it could mean many things. The second headline offers a map,
that is very precise. It’s much clearer and it’s much more powerful.

Here is another
principle, imminence, notice how the treatment focuses on something you need
right away because you are about to get into your car and visit a community for
one of the largest homebuilders in America. You need a map, and so the imminence
intensified relevance. So again, clarity, and imminence, helped to drive a

But there is
another principle, time to value. Let’s look word for word, at the promise
beneath the headline. It says “The community guide (you have learned
nothing new that wasn’t already in the headline), is your (nothing new),
go to (what does that mean?), resource (how is that different
than guide?), for information (what are you saying? That you haven’t
already said?).” Indeed, we have stacked modifiers, prepositional phrases on
top of each other, and we have wasted energy. Many people will not get past
this weak opening.

But look at the
treatment, The time to value is much shorter, almost instant. Be
prepared for your visit
, now that applies the time-to-value principle, but
here is another, value translation. Taking the concept, the essence of the
concept map, the treatment translates it into something that is beneficial to
you. Be prepared, so that it takes an extra step in the sequence of

These four
principles – clarity, imminence, time to value, and value translation – helped
to create the hypothesis for the treatment that drove such a dramatic
difference. Remember something, marketers have been taught to focus on two
categories: needs and wants. In actuality, there is only one category, wants.
Wants precede yeses, unless the prospect wants what the prospect needs, then
what the prospect needs is practically irrelevant. It is not enough to learn
what happened in this case study, you’ve got to be able to apply it in your own

So think about
how clarity, imminence, time to value, and value translation can help you make
a difference in your own work.

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