Your Biggest SEO Challenge For 2022

SEO isn’t new, it has been around for a while.
Just think of it this way… Google was founded in 1998 and SEO existed before Google as it wasn’t the first search engine.
At this point, we know the intention of search engines, in which they want to show the best results for people at the top.
So, with all of their algorithm changes, what do you think is going to be the biggest challenge in 2022?
Take a guess… maybe links, on-page SEO, social media… seriously, take a guess…
Well, here is the biggest challenge and how you can solve it.
That’s right, content is going to be the biggest challenge in 2022.
Let me explain that because it’s not that hard to write content these days.
See, you can hire writers from the Problogger Job Board, which is probably one of the best places to find writers by the way…
But even then, hiring a writer and telling them to write content around a keyword that generates a ton of search volume, just doesn’t work too well even if you have a high authority website.
Let me give you a random example…
Let’s say you want to rank for the term “auto insurance”.

It gets searched roughly 165,000 times a month in the United States.
Now guess how many results there are competing for that term?
Maybe 1 million? Or even 50 million? Or 100 million?
Think again, over 8.7 billion.

Now granted, not all of those 8.7 billion results are probably aggressively going after that term, but you can sure bet that many, many, many more than 165,000 results are going after that term.
To put it in perspective, for every one searcher searching for that term, 52,727 pieces of content exist for them to choose from.
As this keepings happening (which it will) it makes it harder and harder to rank.
And it is just as bad for long-tail terms. Just look at “credit score repair”

It gets searched roughly 1,000 times a month. It’s not a bad keyword… even has a cost per click at $18.61 for the paid ads which means it probably converts at a decent rate.
But guess how many results are trying to go after that term?

A whopping 75 million. Again, not all of those results are aggressively going after that term, but still way more people are writing content around it than people searching.
And to put it in perspective, for every 1 searcher looking for “credit score repair” there are 75,000 options for them to choose from.
Content is getting harder
Did you know there are over 1 billion blogs?
And did you know there are over 1.7 billion websites?
To put that in perspective, there are roughly 7.9 billion people in this world.
That means there is roughly 1 blog for every 7.9 people. And there is 1 website for every 4.6 people.
And when you think about it from a content perspective, roughly 7.5 million articles get published every day. Which comes out to 2.7 billion articles being published per year.
Just think of it this way, other than writing on the news, or new things that just come out, the majority of the content being written is on regurgitated ideas and topics.
In other words, people keep writing on the same thing over and over again. Which means for Google they have even more options to choose from when it comes choosing which web page to rank for any given term.
So, what should you do?
As I mentioned above, the big issue for SEO in 2022 is going to be content because for the majority of keywords there is more content than people searching.
Which gives Google it’s prime pickings for which page to rank number 1 and so on.
And the trend is getting worse.
So, does this mean SEO is dead?
Of course not. It still works. If it didn’t people wouldn’t be creating as many blogs or sites or even writing as much content.
But this does mean SEO is more competitive than it ever has been, and it is going to get harder over time.
So, what should you do?
Focus on writing amazing content!
What I mean by that is creating something that is different. Going in-depth isn’t enough.
Adding videos or images or even audio to your content isn’t really going to differentiate you.
Heck, adding even stats doesn’t really differentiate you.
But you know what does? Adding a unique perspective.
How can you look at a topic in a different way than everyone else? How can you add your own expertise or even better life experiences into whatever you are writing?
That’s what makes content more unique. That’s what makes content stand out a bit more.
This is why I write only on marketing and entrepreneurship (and really mainly just marketing). After doing it for 20 plus years I can add a different perspective than most people. Which makes the content more unique.
That’s what gives me the edge with Google and getting SEO traffic.
And if you can’t write or don’t want to, that’s fine. You can still hire writers. But the writer just can’t be a “good writer”. That’s not enough.
The writer needs to have first-hand experience within your industry. It’s the only way to create content that is unique and stands out.
Hiring writers that are great at research won’t cut it anymore. Because when they do research all they are really doing is searching Google and taking things from other articles, which doesn’t really make things unique.
If you want to do well in 2022, focus on writing unique content that incorporates your expertise and experiences. This will make it standout and get shares and backlinks.
Don’t get me wrong, you will still need to write content on terms that people are searching for (just plug in keywords into Ubersuggest to see what is popular), but you need to add your own unique spin.
Just don’t forget that part or else you’ll end up writing content that doesn’t rank as well as you’ll want.
What do you think the biggest challenge in SEO will be in 2022?
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