The Mystery of Marketing Automation… Solved

Marketing automation is one of the great recent developments of our industry. 

Not only is everyone talking about it, but more and more companies and marketers are trying to use it.

"42% of B2B marketers identified marketing automation as a tool they planned to test or deploy in 2016"

Despite this upward trend, 59% of companies do not yet fully use the technology they have available.

Even among those companies already using marketing automation, there is a degree of underutilisation.

This is in part down to myths and mysteries surrounding marketing automation, still a relatively new phenomenon.

We know it works, but not everyone knows exactly how it works.

But to help you understand not only how marketing automation works but also the benefits that it can bring to your business have a look at our story below; where the great Sherlead Holmes and his faithful accomplice Dr. Watsolve break down the myths surrounding it.

Follow Sherlead Holmes and Dr. Whatsolve as they take on… the case of too many choices in marketing automation, the mystery of it being too difficult to deploy, the singular problem of marketing automation being only focused on outbound campaigns, the case of dictating the buyer’s journey and finally the problem of marketing automation and the expansive content marketing team.


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