How to Stress Mobility in Your Content Marketing

Business mobility, also known as enterprise mobility, involves the movement of people in business and how they accomplish their work. In recent years, business mobility trends include offering remote working options for flextime and remote outsourced talent. 

This, along with the migration to working on-the-go has caused companies to develop mobility strategies to direct how personal laptops and mobile devices for business and cloud platforms use and share data. Now that many companies have adjusted to mobility on the equipment level, they must address mobility within the scope of a content strategy to provide a better experience.

The hardware and software connection

Along with the content designed to work effectively in the mobility environment, the technology behind it must do its share to deliver wireless connectivity so customers, clients, and team members get access to critical information. Having the key applications in place is important, including having responsive user interfaces that can share content across multiple devices and channels

Since your mobile and remote teams will be accessing information across multiple devices, network security will also be important. Two-factor authentication and biometrics become more important as you build out a mobility strategy for your organization. 

A mobility strategy

Before emphasizing that mobility plays a role in how you deliver and shape your content, it is important to establish an overriding mobility policy that frames your efforts. A mobility strategy may look different based on the company. Yet, this strategy should still focus on the same objective of moving toward a structure that acknowledges mobility as critical to your team. 

Begin your mobility strategy by determining the achievement or improvement you want, whether it is to help team members stay in touch, work remotely, or do projects on-the-go. Next, add tactics that illustrate how that can be achieved, including hardware, internal processes, and content.  Then, define your measurement of success with mobility, including performance metrics like transactions handled on mobile devices, satisfaction, engagement, and more. 

Developing content for the mobility environment

Stressing mobility in your content is similar to what you may already be doing with your mobile content strategy. However, there are some slight differences to consider. 

It’s critical to understand what types of devices your team will be using to access and read content on a member portal, intranet, or email provider. There may be a smaller screen like found on a smartphone or tablet. 

Less is not necessarily more

Fewer words can fit on smaller screens, but that does not mean you have to truncate everything. There are times where more content is necessary. Therefore, do not build your content strategy for mobility around the least number of words. It’s still about quality and relevancy. 

Therefore, the content will be different based on the type of communication you need to convey. Obviously, there are limits, so if content needs to be longer, consider setting it up as a slideshow or in some other format that will convey the longer quality message in readable segments. This might also entail front-loading this content so a few paragraphs are visible before your reader has to start scrolling. The paragraphs can provide the key information.   

Video and visuals say a lot

Your team may appreciate receiving visual content with mobility in mind, such as video messaging or webinars that offer live content. Content that might have been written, such as a quarterly review or other internal communications can be delivered as a video with some on-screen content. 

These can be consumed easily and work well on all screen sizes, not to mention can be more engaging than static written content. Again, the focus should be on relevant quality content versus quantity.  

Other mobile channels to add

In this new work environment, it may be beneficial to extend your content strategy to text messages, instant messages, and digital conversation apps as channels. More people are accustomed to interacting and receiving content this way, allowing them to receive the content on a real-time basis or when needed. 

You may also want to consider other methods like rooms, groups, and other tools that provide a way to meet up and exchange information. Google, Facebook, Instagram, and others offer this method for content delivery and exchange. 

Think mobile

With these mobile factors and channels in mind, all content has to be viewed as portable and flexible. As long as you provide value for your end-user and focus on their preferred delivery, you will make great strides in using your content to influence and inspire.


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