How CMOs Are Helping Healthy Food Brands Secure Market Share

Consumer demand for healthy food is at an all-time high, leading Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) to think outside of traditional marketing channels to put healthy brands directly in front of their target markets. The majority of healthy food brands are small in terms of size, compared to the established players, but with creative approaches, they are being discovered, leading to healthy growth and market share.

The more conventional marketing strategies also aren’t direct enough, leading many experts to focus on content marketing and social media. The following five steps outlined below explain the new-age strategy CMOs are using to help elevate these new brands.

1. Introduce new brands through creative social media campaigns

Brands in the health food space are forgoing the traditional launch strategies, like press releases, in favor of attracting interest across social media platforms. Brands can attract instant attention using custom videos, well-crafted content and other attraction assets to create early interest and product demand.

Many healthy food brands are relying heavily on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook initially. It’s important to master a few social media channels in the beginning, rather than on all of them. Finding success on just a few is more effective than just participating on all of them.

2. Share the brand’s story

Consumers are attracted to a brand on social media when they connect with its story—include the reason for the brand’s launch or highlight the people behind the brand so the consumer can make that personal connection.

Personal connections create loyal brand supporters who will purchase and introduce their friends and family to the brand. Every brand should have a detailed “About Us” page on their website that highlights all of this information, which can then be repurposed on social media to help share the story.

3. Create and distribute educational content assets

When creating content, CMOs are focusing on publishing assets that provide educational information, rather than content that is purely promotional. Popular content formats include information packed long-form blog posts, educational videos and infographics that consumers love to engage with and share on social media.

Every time someone likes, shares or comments on your social media content, it’s introduced to new eyes that may not be familiar with your brand. To capture a potential consumer’s attention, your content needs to provide value and something of interest. If it’s just a glorified advertisement, it won’t receive engagement or be shared.

4. Focus on specific lifestyles

For healthy food brands, the niche is smaller and may not appeal to the masses in the same way as a large brand. While there is a growing interest in healthy food, according to a HealthyYOU Vending report, there is also a very large percentage of the population that can’t afford to focus on healthy food; instead, selecting their food purchases based on affordability.

When running social media campaigns, target those consumers that tend to be active in a specific lifestyle that relates to healthy eating. For example, target CrossFit fans to place your offers and content in front of an audience that is interested in healthy food choices. Facebook offers the most extensive targeting options, making it a must-do.

5. Emphasize the ‘how’ rather than just the ‘why’

Consumers that tend to gravitate towards healthy food options are more interested in how the particular brand is beneficial, rather than why. They are fully capable of understanding that healthy food offers many benefits, but they will want to know how your particular brand is going to contribute to their health.

One popular trend is to create how-to videos that explain the benefits and give some behind- the-scene footage of the brand. This educates the consumer while building trust. It’s a very low-cost strategy that performs well.

Final Thoughts

Large food brands are slow to make the transition to healthier varieties, leaving the window of opportunity wide open for new, smaller, health-focused brands to thrive. The discovery strategy above will be continued to be used by leading CMOs in the industry, and optimized along the way, as new social media networks and content opportunities emerge.

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