Social Media Marketing World 2019: What to Do & Who to See

Social Media Marketing World 2019

Social Media Marketing World 2019 The average person has 5.54 social media accounts and spends an average of 116 minutes on social media each day. But social media is changing – especially for marketers. From data and privacy concerns to new product launches like live video and 3D photos, the social media marketing landscape is in constant flux. And you need to quickly adopt and adapt if you want to effectively raise brand awareness and engage audiences over social. That’s why you can find us at Social Media Marketing World in San Diego this week. We’re excited to hear where the social media industry is headed, how they’ll adapt to potential data regulations, and expert advice on how to account for these changes in our social media marketing strategies. And just like we never execute a marketing campaign without a plan, we have a plan for this conference as well. See how we’re going to make the most of our time at #SMMW19 and how you can, too.

#SMMW19: Our Plan of Attack

#1 – Go to the networking events.

Hands down, learning is the top reason behind our attending this year’s Social Media Marketing World. However, followed closely behind that is to meet other peers and experts in our industry. And the conference’s many networking breaks and events are a great way to do that. If you’re going to the conference, we’d love to meet up with you there. In fact, you’ll be able to find us at the opening night networking party or at one of the networking lunches.

#2- See Brian Solis discuss digital distraction and how to change.

Brian Solis, Principal Analyst at Altimeter Group, is one of our favorite digital experts. And the future of social media is one of our favorite topics. Combine the two and what do you get? A #SMMW19 session that is guaranteed not to disappoint.

  • What: The Rise of Digital Distraction: How Businesses (and You) Need to Change
  • When: Thursday, March 21 at 11:35 a.m.
  • Where: 29ABCD

To get a taste of Brian’s expertise, watch (or read) our conversation with him on his newest book, Lifescale – How to live a more creative, productive and happy life.

#3 – Learn influencer marketing lessons from Ursula Ringham.

Ursula RinghamYour target audience doesn’t want to be marketed or advertised to. They want great information and advice from trustworthy sources. Influencer marketing can help your brand provide that. And Ursula Ringham, the Global Head of Influencer Marketing for SAP*, is one of the leading voices in influencer marketing strategy and program management. Her session at #SMMW19 is a can’t-miss.

  • What: Influencer Marketing: Lessons From the Trenches
  • When: Thursday, March 21 at 11:35 a.m.
  • Where: 24ABC

What kind of insight can Ursula provide? Read our latest interview with her.

#4 – Find out what’s next for Facebook from ‘Queen’ Mari Smith.

Cambridge Analytica. Congressional testimonies. Fake ads. Facebook is having quite the year. And marketers everywhere are wondering what the platform will do to recover and address consumer (and government) concerns. Luckily the “Queen of Facebook” herself, Mari Smith, will be at #SMMW19 to preview what the future of Facebook will look like and how marketers can adapt.

  • What: Facebook Marketing In a Changing World: Your Road Map for The Future
  • When: Friday, March 22 at 8:30 AM
  • Where: 20ABCD

If you’re struggling to generate an ROI on Facebook, check out our recap of Mari’s SMMW 2017 session.

#5 – Listen to Shep Hyken’s customer service tips.

Customer Experience Expert Shep HykenWhat’s the best way to get a brand’s attention today? Mention them over social media, of course. With the invention of social media came a new, much more public channel for customer service. To avoid a publicity nightmare, or celebrate a special customer-brand interaction, you need to know how to perform service over social media effectively. And Shep Hyken, author of The Convenience Revolution, is the perfect person to offer that advice.

  • What: How to Use Customer Service as a Marketing Opportunity
  • When: Friday, March 22 at 10:15 AM
  • Where: 25ABC

Discover additional ways marketers can improve the customer experience from our full interview with Shep.

#6 – Witness Ann Handley’s content marketing genius.

Few people give an impactful keynote like Ann Handley, Chief Content Officer for MarketingProfs. We’re sure this session from Ann will be no different. This year for Social Media Marketing World, Ann’s session promises to do the impossible – help marketers create newsletters that people want to read. Considering her newsletter is one that we revisit time after time, we can’t wait to hear what her secret is.

  • What: How to Write an Email Newsletter That People Clear Their Schedules to Read
  • When: Friday, March 22 at 11:20 AM
  • Where: 29ABCD

Learn Ann’s secrets to success by reading our interview with her from Content Marketing World.

#7 – Document our experience and key learnings.

As a leading B2B digital marketing agency, our No. 1 goal is to empower other marketers to become masters of the craft. We want our clients to be seen as the heroes of their organization. We want to provide our audience with solutions to their top marketing problems. To do that, we need to share and spread our knowledge. With that goal top of mind, we’ll be live blogging, tweeting, and recording our time at #SMMW19. If you’re missing out on the conference this year, missed a buzzed-about session, or just want a recap of the event, keep your eyes glued to this blog and your Twitter feed for session summaries, key takeaways, actionable tips, and more. Uncover content gold at your next industry event. Read our post, How to Unearth Content Gold at Marketing Industry Events.

*BONUS* Enjoy the warm weather.

In case you weren’t aware, our agency is based in Minneapolis, MN. And this winter has been rough. In fact, this February was the snowiest on record and the polar vortex led to wind chills near negative 60-degrees Fahrenheit. So, we plan to take full advantage of this year’s conference location of San Diego. While we will probably be too busy to go to Coronado Beach, you will definitely see us shedding our winter wardrobe and soaking up the sun. Our hope is that the extra warmth and Vitamin D will keep us charged until summer.

We’re Ready to Roll

Attending a conference is anything but easy. And we want to make sure we leave no stone left unturned and get the most out of the conference. To do that, we’ll be networking with other social media marketers, attending several must-see sessions, sharing our experience, and more. If you want to make the most of your time at Social Media Marketing World, we suggest laying out a similar event strategy. Keep up on the latest happenings at this year’s Social Media Marketing World by following @toprank, @azeckman, and @annieleuman on Twitter for live coverage, as well as the TopRank Online Marketing Blog. *Disclosure: SAP is a TopRank Marketing client.

The post Social Media Marketing World 2019: What to Do & Who to See appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®.

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